I always had Bobby's final % as about 5%, and knew that much higher percentages would fade in the voting booth. But as I'm sure you are completely aware, this is Hoax Polling. Three pollsters (including Economist) are using the exact same data set, merely re-weighting #s to get their desired results. Most insiders who understand polling know that not only is Trump still ahead nationally, but is ahead comfortably in the so-called battleground states. But more important than the polling are the registration #s which are CRASHING for DemoKKKrats where we can track them: IA, AZ, NV, FL, NC, PA, OH and so on. In AZ, the GOP net gained 3,000 just since Harris was named. Total AZ GOP registration advantage now has DOUBLED over 2020, while FL has shot up by 600,000 since 2020. PA has seen its voter reg lead of 600,000 in 2016 now barely 150,000. So who ya gonna believe: what people SAY or what they DO with their registrations?

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Not to mention the Kennedy clan piling on.....

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If this were a European country ( as most democrats wish it was) Kennedy would be a leader of a politcal party now. In most of Europe ( not the UK) there are numerous smallish parties spread across the spectrum from left to right.

For the first five months of Kennedy's campaign, every single article by the left leaning big media, and even most of the right ( WSJ , Fox) invariably affixed the label "anti-vaxxer" in front his name. Yet the world's most famous anti-vaxxer contined to be polling in double digits and hitting 20% with young people. The label is clearly not disqualifying, much as the pharma PR teams and lobbyists wish otherwise. Thank Fauci and covid for that.

And before you clutch your pearls; think about it: maybe 75 vaccines by the age of 18 is a bit much - that is what a child born today is recommended and mandated to get( look it up). Funny thing how my generation actually has better health than and yet we got around 8 doses of vaccines by the age of 18 . ( I was born before 1985). Newborns in the US get a hepatitis B vaccine, unlike in most European countries. This disease is transmitted by sex or needles. There is a cheap test to determine if the mother has Hep B. We have a high infant mortality rate compared to most developed countries. Why hep B at birth? Once you start asking questions.....RFK starts to seem like a brave man.

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I'd love to see a breakdown of anti vaxxers and where they ended up. I always figured mostly Kennedy but Trump is probably a comfy place too though he did push the research and funding leading to fast availability.

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