The move of the middle class to the right is really all that matters, and that has been a long time coming. First it was the towns against the gowns, then it became small business v regulators, then religious against secular, then white collar unions v blue collar. And on and on.

The middle class is the productive class, period, and starting with Hillary, the white, working, men were of no interest to her. She was the quintessential liberal, over educated woman, immersed in her own importance. The lower classes were her ladder to even higher levels, and she used them mercilessly. Once that became clear, the liberal elite coalition circled the wagons and more and more Americans realized they were mere tools for this group.

No one likes to be used: men, women, of any color, ethnicity, calling or background. The more insulated the elites became, the whackier their ideology and demands became. They had already declared their superiority, their right to rule and so they thought they could do, say, lie, cheat, act out, any way they liked, and get away with it. They were all experts; get in line peasants. We are coming for the whole world with our globalist, internationalism, which of course, we also run.

People can only be insulted so long, called deplorable, irredeemable, racist, sexist, brainless, useless, garbage, before they collectively sit up, look around, at one another of all stripes, and say, "What, now?" "Say that again?"

This has been coming, on so many levels. So they doubled down, with Biden and Kamala. It seems their heads got so big, they exploded. Finally. Now sanity has a chance and maybe this level of courage requires a little insanity.

Bring it on.

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Absolutely stunning comment! 🤎

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Exactly! Well said!

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Reading between the lines of Baharaeen's excellent analysis here, it becomes hard to ignore that past Democratic majorities have been built upon, and thus dependent upon, the rapidly disappearing underdog, marginalized, one could even say discontented class of Americans. Prosperity, in that case, poses a threat to Democrats' stranglehold on power. Yes, it's a measure of the dynamic American success story, but also Democrats own fault that they can't seem to grow with that success; that virtually every constituency group of its long-held coalition is now moving toward the Republican Party to safeguard past gains made.

In this respect, it can be said that the Democratic Party has become victim to its own past successes. But in its panic to regain a majority by opening U.S. borders to millions of illegal crossovers in the hooe of gaining a fractured majority, it has only antagonized a majority of Americans and, ironically, accelerated its own faulures.

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Perfect way to describe what has happened. There will be no "white flight" this time because all of us can see the game now and we plan to have each other's backs. Economically liberal (to a point) and Socially Conservative (to a point) is the winning coalition. Race doesn't matter to anyone but those who make money by using it as some sort of tactic.

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open borders, transgender ideology, climate change corporate goldrush, closed public schools during covid. Tell me how any of these hallmark dem policies benefit working class, or even middle class people?

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As one commenter noted above, one important nuance that ought to be noted here is that the 2020-2024 period pretty decisively proved that this ‘working class realignment’ has taken place entirely on the basis of culture, not policy. By any measure, Biden’s policies were far more pro-labor than Trump’s; Trump’s policy record is uniformly neoliberal, with some performative protectionism thrown in.

One of the lessons to be drawn here is that actual pocketbook-related policy simply isn’t that important. What takes primacy (at least in the current information environment) is the cultural signaling used in political rhetoric, and policy related to culture war issues. Both Republicans and Democrats should take heed.

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I would like more exploration of the extent to which this realignment is the result of perception that Republicans are the party of the working class vs reality. That is: A definition of the working class and an assessment of which Republican vs Democratic policies better serve that class' economic interests. I'm a new subscriber, so apologies if I have missed this analysis. I will look for it.

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Please, you don’t honestly believe democrats are the party of elites after all the legislation they passed to help all Americans and even got an infrastructure deal done?

Perception for people is reality, and social engineering is shaping people’s perceptions. The use of AI, and malicious algorithms pushing certain content and burying others.

Deep fakes and disinformation campaigns by Trump and nefarious foreign actors were running rampant on social media networks from X, Google, to Facebook and the rest with impunity.

Social media sites were inundated with lawsuits from conservative groups that forced many to usurp their own community service policies, allowing them to take advantage and brainwash people into voting against their own interests.

If you want to keep playing the horse race, so be it, but you’ll never solve this problem until you address the root cause, and it’s not becoming the party of elites, because compared to democrats, the republicans are the party of the Oligarch class that bought Trump through Truth Social, finally making him a billionaire. They own him, as does Putin, who’s interests are also aligned with the American oligarchy.

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Deep fakes like Biden was sharp as a tack? Infrastructure? How many working class people do you know that are clamoring for EV charging stations (that Dem millionaires are building) for wealthy people to drive their subsidized EV cars? Disinformation campaigns like Russia Russia Russia and Trump is Hitler? Disinformation like 60 Minutes manipulating their preferred candidate's idiotic responses? Keep running on the message that voters are stupid and get used to losing.

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Oh my Robert, with all due respect:

- What search engine do you use that hasn't manipulated their results with 'malicious algorithms' so that the first few pages of results are almost always dominated with left leaning results? Do you really believe Wikipedia (the go to place for answers on all the main search engines) doesn't lean left, see Katherine Maher, former Wikipedia chief, now bringing her progressive Wikipedia strategies to NPR (like they needed it, lol). She doesn't hide it.

- Have you not heard of the 'Twitter files', how a strident left bureaucracy pressured social media to only amplify the Biden administration narratives?

- Or do you believe Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi abandoned their respected progressive posts just because they were closet conservatives all along and not because they saw the dominant left propaganda for what it was?

- Brainwashed Robert? Who is the more brainwashed, the person who believed Biden was of sound mind (see Marcia comment) just days before his last debate as the dominant left media was telling you that these were just 'Republican misleading videos' and not him obviously suffering from dementia, or the person who just lived through record inflation, record illegal immigration, record military incompetence (you and I could have planned a better pull out of Afghan), and record attacks on common sense (Federal support for color over character (DEI), for men playing in/occupying women's sports/spaces, teenagers and younger made to think they can change their sex and even going through with permanent life changing procedures before their minds have even matured, that abortion up to the day of birth for any reason is a good thing because it's her body (unless we're talking about a new vaccine, then of course it's not your body), and on and on. .)?

Robert, I have no doubt that you are a serious minded man, who wants the best for this country. But I would respectfully suggest that you mix it up with more folks from the 'other side' in order to obtain more truth. It's why I'm on this site. We must all check our hubris, none of us are completely right, and nurture the respectful exchange of ideas, or the Republic will be lost (btw, I'm not accusing you of not nurturing respectful debate, just making a point).

God bless, 'rejoice always, pray unceasingly and in everything give thanks'.

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Remember "deplorables"?

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Congratulations, you’ll get the government you deserve: good and hard! Two years tops before this nation is a full blown authoritarian kakistocracy! Then we’ll see how jubilated you feel!…:)

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Think back to "deplorables." The Democrats have been barely tolerating the working class for a very long time. And they made it clear. Now they are surprised the working class doesn't like them?? What a bunch of tone-deaf elitists.

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As H.G. Wells warned, the party of the Eloi will eventually serve no purpose other than to provide meat for the party of the Morlocks. And the Morlocks will rightfully feel the same contempt for the Eloi that the Eloi felt for them.

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Yawn. So tired of Monday morning quarterbacking.

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