Can anyone explain why Harris has skyrocketed in the polls despite being extremely unpopular just prior to Biden dropping out and having taken zero policy positions nor communicated anything of substance outside of repetitive scripted speeches? What has changed, for example, that has earned her polling improvements on the economy?

The media is doing the heavy lifting for her, clearly, but the media also has very little credibility with viewers/voters anymore.

As a logical human being, I find this super confusing. I am either missing something huge, or this whole thing is astroturfed. I can't imagine there are any Trump supporters who have been drawn away by Kamala. Are there any non-Biden voters in this forum who Harris has won over? I'd truly be interested in what it is that brought you into her camp. Just trying to understand.

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I think most of it is traditional Dem base voters coming home. Some of it is she has improved as a candidate and been good out there on the stump. Being the potential first (black) female president is also a really big deal, partisan considerations aside.

After the Convention she won’t have a choice but to do interviews and offer more specifics. Pressure will be too great not to. Whether she offers policy specifics that are more centrist will determine if Trump’s attacks about her past positions are effective or neutralized.

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People are just really happy that they don't have to choose between the same two old guys again. And a lot of women and people of color think it's cool to have a woman of color as president. A very large percentage of Harris/not BIden supporters are people who were not going to vote at all, or were going to vote for a 3rd party candidate like Stein or RFkjr. Recent polls have shown that when RFkjr is added to the mix, his numbers are cut in half by the transition to Harris, and the remaining people voting for RFKjr are coming from people who would otherwise vote for Trump.

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Obama pretended to be reasonable but he lied. Harris is pretending to abandon all of her previously stated positions, but she’s lying as well. There is a good reason her earlier presidential campaign was a disaster because few Democrats liked her. She ought to lose in a landslide.

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She probably would, to anyone except Trump. He's wasting precious time on personal/petty issues.

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I agree. Even a strong Dem candidate like Shapiro would probably lose to a decent Republican candidate just due to the fundamentals (voter pessimism about the economy and immigration).

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How should Harris piss off the left? I would think that abandoning all support for racial preferences and urging sex changes on children (without the knowledge and consent of their parents) would be obvious.

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