We didn't want to help the Trump campaign, but my wife and I believed that a very effective ad for Trump would have been for him to walk through a homeless camp in San Francisco, step on human feces, have the camera pan to his foot and then pan back to him saying: "Do you want the entire country to be California?"
The shift to the right in CA doesn’t surprise me but warms my heart indeed. Newsom is a disaster. We pay high taxes, for what? Sunshine is free. CA politics reads like a manual for the insane. Male rapists in female prisons, wanted illegal criminals protected, mandated speech, coed public facilities, state mandated transing of kids. I turned to the right thanks to Gov.Newsom, and I’m going to stay red unless republicans lose their minds as well.
Good luck, but as a former quarter century Californian, it is probably too little, too late. 4 million people have walked out of CA the last 20 years, and it is a pretty safe bet, most were Reps. We know, to the extent they were replaced, it was by Left leaning workers, earning $40K less, annually.
Most of America has no idea how looney Left CA is governed. Decriminalizing thefts to $950 is hardly the only bad idea, birthed in the Golden State. Biologically male children, in girl's bathrooms, locker rooms and on their athletic fields, began in CA. A decade ago, the state passed a law allowing kids to choose their own genders, and which facilities they utilized at school. CA Child Rape is only a felony, if the victim is under age 14, and the abuser is more than 7 years older, than the victim. CA 11 year olds can repeatedly, request and receive, abortions without parental notification.
For more than a decade, drug dealing and use has been de facto decriminalized, in much of the state. DAs simply refuse to prosecute. Biologically male sex offenders, claiming to be in transition, were first housed in women's prisons, in CA. The lawsuits from the resulting rapes are still being litigated. Ever expanding CA homelessness is self evident. Less clear is how tens of billions of dollars, handed to NGOs and non profits to fix the problem, disappeared. Even once sane San Diego just declared itself a "Super Sanctuary City". Evidently SD will not only protect violent, criminal illegal migrants from deportation, but hand them decoder rings as well.
CA may one day, reach the point of NYC in the early 90s. City residents became so disgusted with the chaos. in which they dwelled, the most liberal electorate in the nation, elected the most conservative DA in the US, to clean up the mess. Before millions of CA Reps, headed for redder pastures, such a revolution, stood a better chance.
Democrats -- notably those in long held deep Blue states like California -- may be slow learners, but they are showing a capacity to learn. The biggest winner in 2024 may be the endurance of the unmatched American political system. There is cause for joy.
I don't hold out hope for CA. Something in air or water has scrambled too many CA voter brains. The loony homeless woman on the corner might as well be you local city mayor.
We didn't want to help the Trump campaign, but my wife and I believed that a very effective ad for Trump would have been for him to walk through a homeless camp in San Francisco, step on human feces, have the camera pan to his foot and then pan back to him saying: "Do you want the entire country to be California?"
The shift to the right in CA doesn’t surprise me but warms my heart indeed. Newsom is a disaster. We pay high taxes, for what? Sunshine is free. CA politics reads like a manual for the insane. Male rapists in female prisons, wanted illegal criminals protected, mandated speech, coed public facilities, state mandated transing of kids. I turned to the right thanks to Gov.Newsom, and I’m going to stay red unless republicans lose their minds as well.
Good luck, but as a former quarter century Californian, it is probably too little, too late. 4 million people have walked out of CA the last 20 years, and it is a pretty safe bet, most were Reps. We know, to the extent they were replaced, it was by Left leaning workers, earning $40K less, annually.
Most of America has no idea how looney Left CA is governed. Decriminalizing thefts to $950 is hardly the only bad idea, birthed in the Golden State. Biologically male children, in girl's bathrooms, locker rooms and on their athletic fields, began in CA. A decade ago, the state passed a law allowing kids to choose their own genders, and which facilities they utilized at school. CA Child Rape is only a felony, if the victim is under age 14, and the abuser is more than 7 years older, than the victim. CA 11 year olds can repeatedly, request and receive, abortions without parental notification.
For more than a decade, drug dealing and use has been de facto decriminalized, in much of the state. DAs simply refuse to prosecute. Biologically male sex offenders, claiming to be in transition, were first housed in women's prisons, in CA. The lawsuits from the resulting rapes are still being litigated. Ever expanding CA homelessness is self evident. Less clear is how tens of billions of dollars, handed to NGOs and non profits to fix the problem, disappeared. Even once sane San Diego just declared itself a "Super Sanctuary City". Evidently SD will not only protect violent, criminal illegal migrants from deportation, but hand them decoder rings as well.
CA may one day, reach the point of NYC in the early 90s. City residents became so disgusted with the chaos. in which they dwelled, the most liberal electorate in the nation, elected the most conservative DA in the US, to clean up the mess. Before millions of CA Reps, headed for redder pastures, such a revolution, stood a better chance.
I really wonder why I stay here?
The weather and the Mexican food. I miss both of those so much!
Democrats -- notably those in long held deep Blue states like California -- may be slow learners, but they are showing a capacity to learn. The biggest winner in 2024 may be the endurance of the unmatched American political system. There is cause for joy.
Republicans shouldn't pay the slightest attention to CA. It's a trap. It is like the Democrats perpetual pursuit of TX.
I don't hold out hope for CA. Something in air or water has scrambled too many CA voter brains. The loony homeless woman on the corner might as well be you local city mayor.