I know just about nothing about Newsom and Whitmer, and I follow politics. Besides those three there are many other possibilities, and I'd rather hear what sort of policies any of them might have.

Harris had one task assigned her. Immigration, she failed horribly from the standpoint of reducing the influx of low wage workers. I guess for those who want to keep wages low and workers powerless she did great by handing out visas willy nilly in central America so people could fly in and start work immediately.

Trump is a horror show, but if the Democratic Party settles on Harris, they deserve what they get.

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Immigration is a top concern for voters, so Newsom's sanctuary state with 'free' medical and myriad other benefits for illegal immigrants -- and videos of the tent cities in San Francisco in LA -- would kill him outside all but the most liberal states (which the Dems will win regardless of who the nominee is). Whitmer is Hillary in a brown wig. And Warnock is another name being floated, who has absolutely no qualifications save one.

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She's a disaster. There is more than her border role to grab. Lee Fang has taken her down twice for a couple of things just in the past month, and the public doesn't even know those things yet. Not only that, she seems to base her priorities and her personality on whatever she thinks will get her ahead. Anyone watch the cringe blackspeak she tried last week? I was embarrassed for her. She has no personality because she's an opportunist who waits to be told what her personality needs to be for the next issue. If we are going to have the first woman President, it can't be her. As a woman, just no. That would end female prospects for decades.

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The Democratic Party’s rules suck. It’s time for an open convention. Think how that would distract attention from Trump. I am also dismayed by what I consider the arrogance of the top echelons of the party. They insist Harris is the only viable replacement on the grounds that dumping her would alienate the black vote. They have forgotten that the point of a political party is to win elections, not cater to the preferences of party interest groups. I don’t believe for one minute that Harris could beat Trump after the MAGA attack machine gets done with her. An open convention could give us a moderate, centrist candidate like Corey Booker. I sense impending disaster for the Democrats. I worry further that if Biden continues to confuse determination with recalcitrance, a lot of Democrats will stay home on Election Day. That could very well cost the party the Senate and any chance of retaking the House. That would be Doomsday for whatever is left of American democracy.

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An open convention won’t help. Lots of delegates are zealots. Biden said one term which it turns out was a lie. He selected an unelectable VP on a racist basis. We deserved a real primary. This whole debacle is a subversion of democracy. We the people, meh…

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Yeah, I agree. Like the party rules, zealots suck too. When Biden says this election is about "saving democracy," I want to reply that democracy in America died a long time ago when Americans weren't up to the challenge of getting the money out of politics. We now have "the finest Congress money can buy." And the Citizens United decision merely gave Supreme Court validation to what was already fact. But if we are fated to live under authoritarian rule, I want anybody but Trump. He's not simply a corrupt con man but he's extremely vengeful to boot. I think people who think like The Liberal Patriot's readership ought to be worried about punitive audits by the IRS and such like. These Trump guys take names. I personally don't care that much because I moved to Europe 5 years ago. But I will definitely move my money out of the U.S. if he's elected again.

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Ask Matt Taibbi about the IRS showing up at his doorstep Christmas Eve after he testified before Congress. Wake up, all that you fear is taking place under Biden.

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Harris is a mediocre communicator prone to awkward statements, but she would appeal to suburban women. The MSM is starting to cheerlead for her.

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What Democrat wouldn't appeal to suburban women? No qualifications required.

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We have more time to the convention that the Brits ran their whole campaign. Delegates can "in good conscience" nominate candidates; hold some forums; set positive presentation as a ground rule for reasons all Dems will understand. This process will generate enormous excitement and fresh candidates the public is not already bored with will shine through. Several will be very impressive. The convention can hold a series of ballots, dropping bottom candidate each time, and a fresh candidate will emerge will united, enthusiastic support and the captivated interest of the public. A fresh candidate can beat Trump!

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Kennedy for the win.

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Of course, Harris will benefit from incumbency, given that Biden is going to resign from office, probably in this coming week.

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