The winner will misinterpret their victory and then over play their hand.

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If you looked at people's reasons for voting either way, it's depressing. A third of people don't vote. That third is enough to landslide one way or another. Of the remainder how many vote for tribalist reasons? At least another third, and probably a lot more.

So apathy and base lizard brained emotions rule the day as much as anything. After the votes are counted, and success and failure attributed, the powerful and wealthy will once again get a huge break, and the working class will get scraps which might or might not improve our lot in life.

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Best article during this particular election season. I think we can all feel this in our bones.

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The tone of this shows that you are slowly coming to grips with a DECISIVE Trump victory. Already Rs have a big lead in AZ, which they never have. Their numbers in NC, GA, and PA (in GA based on "strong Trump" vs "strong Biden" districts) is massive. Many of these red counties came close to their entire 2020 vote on day 1. Virtually all the polls except for the weirdo outliers have moved Trump up in MI, WI, NV, NC, GA, PA, and AZ. So this will be decisive. As I've said for two months now, Trump has sat on 312 EVs, so the real question is "how decisive?" The red areas of VA continue to vote and pile up numbers while the blue areas have all tailed off. The third tier of battleground states---VA, NH, MN, ME and NM are all going to be close. This won't be chance. To quote "Cousin Eddie" in "Christmas Vacation," "Shiiter's full." there is absolutely no apathy out there except on the D side.

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This article puts into words what I have been seeing in the polls as well as what I have been hearing from people I know. Many people, including me, are voting against rather than for one of the parties. The idea that this election could be decided by chance is certainly unsettling, but that is indeed what the numbers show.

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Mr. Halpin's post sounds pretty reasonable to me.

One not very related but personal comment from me: I continue to find it very disappointing that approx. 1/2 of American voters will vote for a candidate who basically broadcasts his authoritarianism.

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