Bernie Sanders did Harris no favors this week in her quest to remake herself a moderate when he spoke, for Sanders at least, a rare truth. The Vermont self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist said that Harris remains a bona-fide progressive who understands that she has to talk like a moderate because she wants to win the election.

The gigs up, and Sanders did not find it necessary to even master the Harris wink, nod and cackle.

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The "tell" in KH's pivot to the middle is the deafening silence from the reliably vocal progressive wing of the Dem party. They know the game that is being played, and whose team KH is really on. Kudos to Sanders for saying the quiet part out loud.

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Thanks Ruy. I think Harris has already lost. The voter reg shift in this country is massive: 30/30 states where we can track have moved toward Rs, with AZ, PA, FL, NV, and NC moving in a wave. AZ Rs are now up just in Maricopa Co over 162,000 adding almost 300 a day net. NC seeing the same dynamic as is PA. At the same time, the major source of Biden's 2020 win, early votes, is gone. PA is down 131,000 Ds, GA down 90% early ballot requests. NCs numbers are terrible for Ds: D ballot requests down 11 points from 20, whites out-"requesting" blacks 4:1, and new registers there are 2.1:1 R over D. PA has seen Bucks Co flip, Lucerne now at only a 300 D advantage. Most insiders I know have written of PA for Ds, which is the election---although Trump right now would be at +1 to +2 nationally, as he has traditionally in two previous elections UNDERPOLLED by 2.1%. Finally, do not underestimate the symbolic disaster that is the Haitians eating cats in Springfield, OH. I am very serious when I say this will costs Ds the "cat lady" votes. Saying "cat ladies" is one thing, but actually eating pets is another, and this is 100% on Biden/Haris.

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Harris is having a hard time, because it is a charade. Kamala has a 20 year record of extreme Progressivism in CA. And, nearly, everyday another policy gem is unearthed. Yesterday it was revealed, Harris believes taxpayers should pay for the transitions of federal prisoners, and undocumented migrants, including those that are incarcerated.

Most Americans believe adults who wish to transition, should do what makes them happy. They do not believe in taxpayer funded transitions, for incarcerated convicted criminals and people who have entered the country illegally.

Ditto for decriminalization of all drugs, another former Harris proposal. 100K Americans fatally OD a year. Many of them kids taking a single pill, they believe is the same prescription medication their parents use for migraines and dental surgery. Fake ADD medicine floods college campuses. If simply transported with fentanyl, it can be deadly. And Kamala wants them all available, like a can of beer or a bottle of chardonnay. Her Presidency isn't just a bad idea, it is the worst one.

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Harris, as the daughter of a Marxist professor, has not shown any middle of the road sentiments in her career here in CA. She bends to the socialist/Marxist way of doing things and would not trust her to do any different in the future.

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Well Liz and Dick Cheney both endorsed her. So I guess that makes the neo con take over of the democratic party as official.

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Hard to say. There are many other factors besides ideology. I try to place myself in the mind of someone who votes but can't name their congressman or senators. Harris seems much younger and not as eccentric. I'll try watching the debate with the sound off. Often without sound I'm more able to measure "feelings".

I'd certainly trade both VP candidates for the ones at the top of the ticket.

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She just needs to get out there more after the debate. Interviews, campaigning, the whole works. And be consistent and authentic about her move to the middle.

I think she can afford to do so because she’s got a lot of political capital right now with the progressives because of the nature of her candidacy. It’ll wear off eventually, but she should take full advantage of it while she can.

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Ethan - are you seriously saying that she has authentically moved to the middle? She keeps saying "my values haven't changed." I believe her.

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I think she has moved toward the middle either due to genuinely changing her mind, electoral realities, or both. I think it's entirely possible that after being VP for 4 years, her perspective and opinions have changed. Plus, she isn't running in a Democratic primary right now.

I don't think her values have changed, either. But neither do I think her prior values are necessarily incompatible with her current positions. It depends on how she defines those values.

Regardless, I am pleased when any politician on the left or right makes overtures to middle America or to working with the other side. I don't put much stock in the fact that politicians change their positions. They all do, sometimes authentically, a lot of times simply for political expediency. I obviously prefer the former, but if at the end of the day they follow through, that's what counts.

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From a crass political standpoint, that’s how to spend those tens of millions of advertising dollars most effectively. But in the mind of this anti woke voter it won’t make me forget her statements and record over the years that she has held office. And Trump is equally unfit.

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It’s an uphill battle, but it’ll be close. Let’s see if she can persuade enough voters. Debate will be important tonight!

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