I'm glad I got to read the book review, I'll ask my library to purchase a copy, they've always honored my requests in the past.

The review was a good read in itself as a tiny condensed essence of the book, and the subject matter, the confluence of populism, the working class, and politics, one I am fascinated by. I'm an old rust belt refugee myself and I vividly remember many of the periods covered. I remember going through the same sorts of loyalty to my original party with it's remnants of the New Deal and social programs. Later I too had a difficult time when my party abandoned protectionism for consumerism, and more recently open borders.

I only voted once in all those years of bumping around from the gulf to the arctic and anywhere in between where holes were punched in the ground to extract energy. The one time was for a populist in a primary, a guy named Jesse Jackson who I'd listened to on a radio interview. Jackson explained how he specifically wanted my vote and he asked for people like me to vote for him. So I did.

My next vote was for Gore and we know how that went. I've voted every time since, sometimes enthusiastically, other times less so. I've even split tickets much more often. I'm still waiting to see if we will ever elect someone who will do good for the working class.

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That article in Compact Magazine was a good read until I hit the paywall. I'm one of those working class voters Shullenberger talks about but I can afford very few subscriptions while doing my part to support a house and a couple of kids. I already pay for the Liberal Patriot and the Free Press.

I wish there were a way the working class could afford to read about itself.

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Check your email for full article and I extended your subscription for a second year. Cheers and thanks for reading.

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Thanks John

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