Leonhardt wrote "Trump’s cruel approach to immigration will create an opportunity for Democrats, much as it did during his first term." Um no. Fool me once... I was one of those people hysterical about "kids in cages" then found out this was nothing new, and that the Obama admin had also put thousands of "kids in cages". This was followed by the horrific chaos caused by the "kind" immigration policies under Biden, and how people in poor neighborhoods paid the highest price for an insane influx of unvetted immigrants. Not buying the "cruel" accusation anymore.

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Why did Trump bring back all the people he sent to Guantanamo? His policies are full of inconsistencies. It is true Obama deported more immigrants than Trump but they did not separate families members.

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You asked a question. Obama deported the easy ones and had cooperation from local and state law enforcement. Also deporting from the interior is much more difficult than legally deporting from the border area. Under Obama people crossing were detained at the border, charged with illegal entry, then deported, a process that took about two weeks and could be done with busses.

The changes to asylum rules allowed people coming here from countries other than Mexico with accompanied minors to be granted asylum with hearings far in the future. That rule gave rise to lots of central Americans with kids to come. A get in free pass.

The longer someone stays the harder to deport and the more uprooting for the individuals involved.

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You are correct. That's why Trump will mainly engage in performative deportation from the interior of the U.S.

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I'm hoping he eventually goes to some sort of employment identification method such as e verify.

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Here’s some proper context about the “kids in cages,” Penny. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/kids-in-cages-debate-trump-obama/2020/10/23/8ff96f3c-1532-11eb-82af-864652063d61_story.html

Trump was certainly cruel, and you were right to be outraged.

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Remember that article was a specific hit piece by the Washington Post. Much of it is untrue and the parts that are technically true are blown was out of proportion.

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How was that a hit piece? It just said Obama built the cages to contain the migrants and that Trump then separated kids from their parents. Is that not what happened?

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But it is not cruel to import 10 million people without a single extra housing unit, doctor or bilingual teacher to tend to their needs?

To entice them to come, to one of the most expensive countries on earth, where their education and skills will never correspond with the cost of living ?

In Texas, they often live 8-12 to a bedroom, sleeping in shifts. We mandate by law, how much room livestock must have, but we have less concern for people, as long as the cheap labor, allows the important people to avoid the unpleasantness of cleaning their own homes, and raising their own children.

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The Democrats are not just the party of identity politics; they are a party of a specific identity. The Democrats today are the party of educated (largely white) woke women in email jobs. It is THEIR party and they aren't about to give that up. So the only way men can fit in is to accept a position of cultural and political dhimmitude.

In practice, the position of "men are welcome, as long as they sit in the back and shut up" isn't going to attract many of them. Certainly not men who do physical labor.

Can you imagine Rosa DeLauro barging into the shop saying "Vote for me! Now take down that Snap On Tools calendar!" Or David Hogg greeting OTR truckers at the Buckee's with a "Hello, fellow men!" speech?

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Brahmin Left Democratic Party? Yeah, yeah we get the picture, Democrats simply and falsely say. In fact, few do, as Ruy Teixeira correctly chronicles. Most don't, and won't.

The best measure for how the party is lost at political sea is its embrace of nostalgia over reality. The over-the-hill congressional Democratic gang holding hands while singing "We Shall Overcome" is parody, political theatre, without any connection to today's arrogant self-righteous smugness and indifference. Truly a party of incoherence, intolerance and inaction.

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The Democrat's problem is that they are no longer a Liberal party. They are a Leninist party, hence everyone being on the same message. Unlike the advertising, though, Leninism/Communism is not a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, but a Dictatorship of the Intellectual. That explains its appeal to the highly educated. They get to rule. But to actually run the dictatorship, you need a bureaucracy, which at the practical level is what Leninism is all about. Intellectuals provide the theory; bureaucrats apply it to the working classes. In addition, bureaucrats jealously defend their prerogatives, which explains this weekend.

Of note, everyone quoted cited examples of what Democrats needed to stop doing. No-one presented a vision of what Democrats should start doing.

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Nice comment. I often differentiate myself by saying liberal, not leftist, but I will likely change that to Liberal, not Leninist. Thank you. The "intellectual - bureaucrat - masses" hierarchy you mentioned is exactly where the D party has gone.

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Yes but some animals are more equal than others.

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Randi Weingarten, a lawyer and American Federation of Teachers' president (for life, it seems) is Exhibit A for the Brahmin Left. She got involved in teachers union politics in 1983, right after law school. She also was a teacher for about 6 years. She was president of the United Federation of Teachers (New York City's teachers union) in 1998. Ten years later she became the president of the national American Federation of Teachers, and remains so today. Notably, she gives lip service to charter schools, but her aim appears to be unionizing charter school teachers.

Thus, after 40 years of union activity - have American public school students improved on reading & math skills? No.

Has American mediocrity on reading & math skills impacted US competitiveness in the global market? Yes. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/the-u-s-is-losing-its-competitive-advantage-3306225

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Excellent as usual. Josh Barro especially gets it. Not sure where the "class traitor" is coming from. Trump essentially came out of nowhere to crush the Republican establishment. He had a brand from his TV shows but it wasn't especially a political brand, just gave him some name recognition. He was, like Reagan, a former Democrat but the former Republicans whom the Democrats might try to recruit are an especially loathsome bunch. The Cheneys went over like a lead balloon in the last election. So someone from outside of politics but please God, not Hollywood.

A related problem that Democrats have to come to grips with is the union problem. Private sector unions if not quite dead are very sick mainly because they failed to come to grips with globalization which destroyed their base. The energy and numbers are with the public sector unions which if not exactly Brahmin are Brahmin adjacent by virtue of their educational levels. And they, as typified by the teachers unions, are very unpopular with the working class especially after COVID. This is a tough one for the Democratic Party since those public sector unions are a big part of the base but the answer has got to be to tilt toward private sector unionism and let the chips fall where they may with the public sector. And a better class of private sector union leaders is needed. The current crop, except the Teamsters, is too bought in to the priorities of the Brahmin left. A little insurgency would be a good thing and Democrats should help.

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I read a lot of articles like this one, and I really appreciate Mr. Teixeira's analysis since he is so perceptive about the problems the Democratic Party has with, well, everything. But the arrogant Brahmins aren't listening to any of the good advice they are getting from people who actually support the idea of a Democratic Party and want it to succeed. It's also clear that the hard left Progressives (the activist leaders who know what's going on, not the cult members who obediently follow along) are not actually all that interested in winning elections, they are far more interested in taking over cultural institutions and destroying American society and culture. They own the Democratic Party, and owning a political party is very useful for spreading their message and drafting followers. It's all about cultural power. They have been very successful (at least up until Trump) with getting what they want from the courts through activist left judges and from the Deep State bureaucrats issuing regulations that are far outside their mandate but go unchallenged. Trump is now doing what they fear most, and that is taking down the Deep State that they have depended on for funding and advancing their agenda. Already, we have seen how many billions of our tax dollars are going to far-left NGO groups organized just to get the money and spend it on - what? They hope we would never find out. But we are finding out, and shutting down the money spigot. The deep corruption in dark secrecy is also part of the Brahmin leftist project.

The Brahmins will not give up, ever. The rest of us need to marginalize them. The regular Democrats need to stop voting for what the Brahmins say and realize that they are lying, and that their actual policies are toxic. That is happening, to some extent. I think that the current efforts to clean up government waste, fraud, and corruption will also shut off a lot of the money flowing to hard Left NGO's that are using the funds, our tax dollars, against American interests and people. They will have far less power if they have to fund this with their own money and not with government money. That might finally solve the Dem party's problems with the Brahmin left. I don't think anything else will.

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Just look at blue cities on the west coast. Every progressive policy priority and effort has been wrong. And they won’t even admit that. They just keep buying more tents for the drug dealers. Democrats cannot change for the better. They are only getting more radical because they “are on the right side of history”.

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Too bad Vance is taken.

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Again a good article However until a fearless and dynamic leader comes forward this is all for naught.

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"So am I confident the Democratic Party can de-Brahminize? I am not. But I am confident that the party will fall short of both its electoral and policy goals if it can’t. "

Because I worry about our nation without two viable parties, I spend time debating the Brahminized Democrats to encourage a return to pragmatism and rationalism. My experience in those debates does not inspire any confidence, in fact I see the party drifting/sinking further into Brahminization. Just visit Heather Cox-Richardson's Substack for an example.

But let's be honest here. The Democrat party problem is connected to dominance by educated females that, from their campus experience, have had their heads stuffed with the toxic mind virus of critical social justice theory. These are 3rd wave feminists indoctrinated into post-modernist worldview. It is a sort of new cult of witches bent on casting spells on the population to see them bend and break their traditions and be controlled. Weak males craving pets have joined their coven.

I fully believe that hope for the Democrat party is a generation away assuming we can stop the indoctrination of school children into adopting critical theory, a Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy that originated from the Frankfurt School, specifically the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Females are more susceptible to being influenced by this and other cult beliefs.

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Ruy should use the term "Educated Left" rather than Brahmin or Mandarin. The racial terms don't really make sense.

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Ha! If the Dems start calling themselves "the Educated Left" they will be even more screwed than they already are!

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The Dems might pay more attention to Texeira if he didn’t stoop to name calling.

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Huh? Name calling is all Dems have. They are not deep, in thought or numbers

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I actually have some sympathy for him. They are not listening. What else is there aside from giving up?

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Better arguments. Repeating the same argument using the same words is the definition of ineffectiveness.

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Brahmin works fine, the word comes from the Indian caste system and Brahmins in that sense is exactly what the progressive Left Dems think they are. "Educated Left" is descriptive, yes, but misses the smug superiority of those ordained to be on top of the heap that Brahmin connotes.

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Brahmin left is a term coined by an economist, and elicits feelings of intractable class divisions such as the caste system in India.

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The only one I see on the horizon, that could take off, and is willing to speak truth to power, as the old saying goes, is Rahm Emanuel. Will there be others, one can hope so, as of yet, no one else is willing to talk the talk to get the attention, to perhaps run and win.

The Democrats are back where they were in 1972, yes they won in 1976, and then lost in 1980, 1984, and 1988. If they do not want a repeat of that, they need to go with someone willing to fight.

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What exactly do you mean "someone willing to fight"?

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Good question.

Someone who is willing to go around in Democrat circles and speak like a working class advocate. That means, as Rahm Emanuel has phrased it, stop talking about locker rooms, stop talking about bathrooms, and start talking about classrooms.

Real ID has almost 80% support nationwide, including almost two-thirds of Democrats, accept that and endorse it. Keep immigration under strong control.

Those are some of the basic views of those who live and lives are defined as working class.

There is going to be a LOT of resistance to hearing this, especially from the Progressives. The question for Democrats right now is do they want to be pure and stick to their beliefs or do they want to get a chance to govern again, they can't do both.

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It's going to be hard for Democrats to "go moderate" at this point, because of their voting record (i.e. pro men in women's spaces). Voters can sense inauthenticity and are tired of the bait and switch. (Example: Slotkin gave a very reasoned response to Trump's speech, and then the next day she was on X posting all kinds of progressive opinions and attacking half of America.)

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Don’t disagree, that is why pointed out Rahm Emanuel, he has his eight years as Mayor of Chicago plus Chief of Staff to Clinton, to show moderate. Not a lot of others out there.

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It might be a coincidence, since I just heard today about his possible interest in the 2028 presidential race, but for five or six reasons Rahm Emanuel fits the bill very well.

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On the merits, yes but The Groups will go absolutely crazy with antisemitism. The man served in the Israeli army

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Another one out of the park! At its' most basic, Dems must acknowledge their globalist world polices are in direct contradiction, with behavior that benefits the US working and middle class.

Spending printed trillions on Climate, not only stoked the worst inflation in 40 years, it had a lousy ROI. 3 billion Chinese and Indians burn whatever they want, whenever they want. No US Climate policy will ever be more than a rounding error. We have already reduced our carbon output back to 1990's levels, largely thanks to clean natural gas. If more change must come, it must originate from the most polluted places on earth.

At its' core, Climate is a Math problem. With 8 billion people on the planet, even if the 1 billion in the West, suddenly and permanently reverted to only actual equine power and candles, the world's Climate would never notice. Therefore, it makes little sense to drive the US middle and working classes into energy poverty, attempting a mathematically impossible.

Dems have yet to explain why they, purposefully, opened the border. It took Trump mere weeks to close it. Dems argue Biden's numbers dropped, his last year. Begging the question, why didn't Dems close the border sooner? More than 10 million unvetted migrants, many from hostile nations, now roam the US, whereabouts unknown. Tens of billions of taxpayer dollars will be spent on their care, in perpetuity. Dems should not expect to be trusted with the gates again, anytime soon. What happens when the next Dem Pres decides, if 10 million migrants were good, 20 million more, will be better?

Working class Americans know why Dems never stopped the flow. Cheap labor, that will never complain about pay, working conditions or sexual harassment. Dems imported people like they were beasts of burden. New arrivals drove down working class wages, while sending affordable housing soaring. Non English speaking children, overwhelmed working class schools, already failing US students.

For the US Working Class, the open border was an economic, educational and housing apocalypse. When they complained, Dems did not empathize, but labeled them racist. It surely explains why Hispanics voted Rep, in such large numbers. Other issues plague Dems, but until spending and immigration are explained and drastically changed, Dem's only hope is a Trump implosion.

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