Maybe vastly expanding the reach of the federal government into daycare and other 'free' stuff isn't all that popular? Voters know we are running an enormous deficit so how can we spend billions that we don't have? Higher taxes on the rich? I think the middle class taxpayers are wise to that bait and switch.

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All true, as John Halpin eloquently lays it out. But for Joe Biden to have a second-term agenda, a political platform if you will, he would have to hold and be capable of articulating real convictions; genuine, steadfast and heartfelt beliefs. Sadly, with Biden, what little of "there, there" that there might once have been is entirely gone, and his handlers understand from experience the risks of his continued fumbling over others words prepared and delivered for him on a teleprompter.

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Many of the things laid out sound like great plans. Not all, but many. The biggest problem with Biden is that many, myself included, don't trust him to actually stick to whatever he promises. It all seems to depend on who is whispering in his ear that day, and I'm not sure I trust his judgment about who he should have around him.

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He can't. An agenda that would attract voters would alienate his supporters.

The taxes needed just to get our deficit under control have to reach way down into the upper middle class. Immigration is past the breaking point, it's broken and people are rebelling, over 60% for massive deportation. There just aren't very many ways out of these problems that aren't going to anger much of corporate America who pay for campaigns and all of the elites in NGOs etc. Every country is run by elites, that isn't the problem, the issue is that the goals of the elites and the people don't coincide.

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