I was born in 1958, and our next door neighbors were immigrants from Poland who came to the U.S. in 1946. They were blue-collar Democrats who never even considered voting for a Republican candidate for anything. But they were the most patriotic people I've ever known, deeply grateful for being allowed to come to America after barely surviving several years in a German labor camp during World War II, surviving only because they were not Jews.

The dominant faction in the modern Democratic party is just the opposite: they are the party of Omar, they loathe the U.S., and they don't much believe in the First Amendment. To them American history is the Howard Zinn version, just one long story of oppression with little recognition of how much the country has improved.

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Ruy, it's less about pride in America as it is a pride in where America came from, which is Inseparable from God. A few years ago the DNC banned all US flags on stage. God is not mentioned one time in the DNC platform, but abortion is mentioned 13 times. Americans take notice of this stuff. The US remains strongly Christian in identification, if not practice. Even if people are "believers" personally, they want a country that, in essence, is.

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God is also not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, which establishes the principle of government neutrality in matters of religion. The tendency of many Republicans to regard the GOP as “God’s Own Party” is their Constitutional right, but that is one area in which the Democrats are being more true to American principles as established by the founders.

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One Nation, under God, indivisible. In God We Trust on money. When the founders wrote about freedom of religion, in the original sense, they were stating there would be no state-sponsored church (like the church of England) They also make clear that they are writing the founding documents for a moral people. The truth is that they were talking much about different sectors of Christianity. I don't really understand why some people pick and choose what they want and leave the rest out.

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One nation under God was added to the pledge by Eisenhower in the mid 1950s. As was the phrase "In God we Trust" on paper money. That phrase was not added to coins until the Civil War. So not part of the Constitution or one of the founding principles. Quite a few of the founding fathers were Deists. I'm Buddhist, so I don't appreciate the implication that makes me less American.

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The "laws of nature and of nature's God" entitle the United States to independence.

Men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."

Congress appeals "to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."

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Those are all from the Declaration of Independence right? And there's no reference to Christianity in either of those quotes

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Neither do the dollar or the pledge, but they reference the creator God. I don't understand your point, I don't guess. From your first comment?

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I notice you do the leftist dance by citing all black people and contributions first. I also notice you repeat the lie that Kamala is actually of Oakland. Many Oaklanders say she is not at all one of them. What is it about Democrats that they must first do their progressive shibboleths and apologies while trying to preach a message of unity and/or patriotism. It's a patriotism based on too many ifs, buts, excepts, and ands for me. Just my opinion.

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Just saw the first day of the convention, and it seems to me that the Democrats did exactly what Mr. Cooper asked for.

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I would suggest bringing concepts like that to your local precinct. Run for PCO happens every two years even years represent your neighborhood at the local Democratic or Republican organizations according to your legislation legislative district all this talk about this and that I’m gonna explain that America is not Progressivist. what’s Progressivist is the few people that show up at the meetings on the Democratic side and then make ridiculous platforms and then make ridiculous policies. if people want to get rid of that stuff it’s not about cheering for patriotism, it’s about participating on the local voting precinct level. That’s where change will occur. The Democratic party is very very very lost.

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The Democrat party in Nebraska couldn't win a race for dog-catcher, but the head of the party still insists on running on progressive cultural issues. One Dem tried to straddle the fence on abortion and was promptly kicked out of the party.

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Meh, as a historian I would strongly debate those "principles."

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