"One of the more probable outcomes is complete Republican control of the federal government. ... This is clearly the best possible result for the GOP." That may be best for Trump (he stays out of prison, makes a ton of money, and remains President for as long as he lives [he'll never abandon the office no matter what the Constitution says]) and it may be best for the wealthiest 1% (they'll make billions due to Trump tax cuts). But it will be a catastrophe for Americans who love freedom and democracy. Project 2025 will turn the US into a police state. It will be even worse for the most vulnerable communities: LGBTQ+ people, undocumented immigrants, black/brown people and especially women (who will lose even more bodily autonomy).

Trump and the MAGA cult must be stopped.

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Trump has stated many times over that he is not interested in Project 2025. It's not even in his wheelhouse. Secondly, please stop watching fear porn. For one thing, Trump is old. He's not going to stay anywhere forever. Also, in order to do what you are saying, he would need the military to back him. It's silly. And, from what I can tell, he is getting more support from minorities this year than any Republican in a very long time. He's not going to do anything to those people. There's literally zero evidence that he evens wants to. He had a chance the first time and did nothing of the sort. You don't have to like him or vote for him, but the fear-mongering is a false flag created by a media that never ever tells the whole truth.

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When you say, "He's not going to do anything to those people," it reminds me of what many Germans, especially the communists, Jews and other minorities (e.g., homosexuals) thought: Hitler will be contained by experienced politicians and businessmen. That lasted for about one month and then the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act giving Hitler the authority to rule by fiat. You know very well what happened over the next 12 years.

If you think Trump will not get the military to back him, you are deluding yourself. Trump - should he gain power - will replace the entire senior office corp with loyalists. Mike Flynn will probably be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Less senior officers will be told: Be loyal and you'll maintain your career and pension. The vast majority will choose to do just that. Same for federal judges.

You think it can't happen here because Trump is old? Seriously? Look how long Stalin and Mao ruled.

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Oh brother. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao? This from a Biden supporter, the party of censorship, law fare, open borders, and thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court.

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Given that the emergent radical progressive Left of the Democratic Party has been the cancer on our national politics, it is only fitting that the Democratic Party pay the price for the folly of Joe Biden's political alliance with Bernie Sanders and members of the anti-American far Left Squad.

A GOP electoral trifecta this fall will force Democrats to distance themselves from the Party's Leftist flank and bring it back toward a nation 's political middle, a tight and narrow ground where elections have historically been won and American values going forward are best preserved.

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