When talking about abortion shouldn't we stop with the blanket 'pro-choice' description? It's deceptive. To be 'pro-life', most understand, as you are against abortion, except when the life of the mother is at stake. But to me, there's a huge difference between the person who wants a woman to be able to choose, but is against the kind of abortion laws we've recently approved in CO, for example. In my experience, when you talk to a pro-choice person, they do not approve of completely unfettered abortion, paid for by the tax-payer. Who, IMO, in their right mind, thinks abortion up to the day of birth, for any reason, as many times as needed (no red flags will be raised, gee, where would I take my sex slave victims for abortions), paid for by the government is sane? Yet, this is what we have in several districts in America, with overwhelming approval in many of those districts. The folks behind such measures, are true servants of the prince of this world, and the folks that vote for these measures without critical thought are complicit.
When talking about abortion shouldn't we stop with the blanket 'pro-choice' description? It's deceptive. To be 'pro-life', most understand, as you are against abortion, except when the life of the mother is at stake. But to me, there's a huge difference between the person who wants a woman to be able to choose, but is against the kind of abortion laws we've recently approved in CO, for example. In my experience, when you talk to a pro-choice person, they do not approve of completely unfettered abortion, paid for by the tax-payer. Who, IMO, in their right mind, thinks abortion up to the day of birth, for any reason, as many times as needed (no red flags will be raised, gee, where would I take my sex slave victims for abortions), paid for by the government is sane? Yet, this is what we have in several districts in America, with overwhelming approval in many of those districts. The folks behind such measures, are true servants of the prince of this world, and the folks that vote for these measures without critical thought are complicit.