I'm guessing that if ebbs and flows follow a familiar election trajectory, Kamala Harris is at the pinnacle of her popularity, a few points behind Donald Trump. His lead should widen substantially as Americans learn more about Harris as she is forced to defend the Biden/Harris record of that past almost 4 years, her own Senate record before that and, perhaps most perilous, her record as California's attorney general. Meanwhile, Trump's poll numbers continue to climb among groups -- young voters, blacks, Jewish voters -- once in the Democratic camp but now feeling abandoned by Democratic and especially former Biden/Harris voters.

Biden was going to lose, likely by a landslide. If Harris loses, especially by as greatvif not greater a landslide, Americans can cheerfully wave goodbye to the corrupting progressive Left, DEI, Woke divisive influence that the Biden-Harris administration has made us suffer through.

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If she has to debate Trump, I doubt if the "little girl on the bus" routine will work as well as it did on Biden.

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Why can’t Democrats put up a better candidate? Beshear or Kelly or Tester or Connolly or Klobuchar or Jeffries or Warner or Kaine or Van Hollen or Gallego??? When Hillary lost to Trump, it seemed obvious that she lacked the kind of widespread appeal that is needed to win the Presidency in our two-party system. What independents and undecideds are going to vote for Kamala Harris? Wasn’t part of the reasoning for Biden dropping out so that someone more electable could run? Get ready for a second Trump presidency. :(

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This is the Dem bench? Mark Warner/69, Chris Van Hollen/65, Jon Tester/65, Ruben Gallego/no one has heard of, Gerry Connolly/72....isn't it the role of the VP to step into the president role in 8 years?

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Good point. With experience comes age and with youth comes inexperience. What to do? It’s a big country with a large talent pool that wouldn’t necessarily have to draw from current representatives. Maybe the hosts of this Substack could throw their hats in the ring. Wes Moore seems to have a presidential demeanor but his inexperience worries me. 65 is a lot younger than 80, so Tester/Van Hollen 2024!!Ra Ra Ra! The type of people smart enough for the job aren’t people generally inclined toward running for office I suspect. None of my living intellectual heroes are people in office. I still hold out hope that a moderate independent party or candidate will arise and change the entire landscape but that will have to wait until 2028. I wish Kamala well. Haven’t been excited about her so far but maybe she will show us that she is up to the job.

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