Excellent article. What about voters that main reason for voting FOR a candidate is one’s color or gender. This certainly plays as large a role (probably more) than those that vote against for the same reason.

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It's also important to remember, and for Kamala Harris to remember, that Hillary Clinton was a wildly controversial and divisive First Lady, who sought to play an oversized role in husband Bill's White House. From firing the White House travel office staff so that she could reward the jobs to patronage friends to rewarding major campaign donors with Lincoln Bedroom bed & breakfast stays, her audacity was unmatched. Then there's her being placed in charge of crafting national health care legislation, which she did with unmatched secrecy or public input, and which when completed was so bad it could not garner even one vote from a Democratic Senator.

Harris has much to learn, notably from Hillary's misguided and misjudged bitterness about why she lost in 2016.

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If I were you, I'd stop ragging on Hillary Clinton and start spending more time trying to convince everyone you know who's centrist to liberal to vote for Kamala. If Trump gets back in the White House, this will be the last real US democratic election. Future elections will be as credible as the "elections" Putin always wins.

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No Ric, democracy is safe no matter who gets elected, so turn down the absurd hysteria. I wouldn't even mind a President Harris so long as a GOP Congress kept her Leftist nuttiness in check and balance, the glory of our system.

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The Germans in early 1933 thought democracy was safe too. If you think I'm wrong about future elections, then listen to Trump himself. he has promised to do away with voting.

And if you really imagine Harris as a Leftist, you should take a trip to Denmark or Norway to see what actual leftist democratic socialism looks like. Compare today's Democrats to the post-Watergate Democrats: Today's are FAR more centrist.

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You do know that Trump was long an avowed Democrat before, like many other former Independents or Democrats like myself, left a party that had drifted so far Left a JFK, FDR or LBJ would no longer recognize it. WaS Harris ever a Republican or, better yet, can you name a single GOP-led initiative she has even voted for?

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I lived through the JFK and LBJ presidencies. My dad lived through the FDR one and told me much about that. If you seriously think today's Democratic Party is more liberal than any of them, you must have slept through US history.

LBJ was the last truly liberal Democratic President (Medicare, Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act). Eisenhower was the last moderate Republican one (he defended the New Deal used the US government to build the Interstate highway system), though Richard Nixon implemented some liberal goals (Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, the EPA).

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What you lived through and what you feel is not worth two-bits if you are incapable of keeping an open mind and blinded by your political generalizations. We're done here.

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You're a one-note poster. Your hat says it all....

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Never has been about her skin color or ethnic background. She is intelligent but ignorant in so many ways. She can not articulate a straight thought to any logical conclusion. Here in CA she did what the politicos wanted. She promised to go after certain groups she thought were breaking the laws but backed off once in office. She has no background to negotiate anything. Very weak and not a good leader. Her Washington staff had an 85% turnover rate. Very few wanted to work for her.

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The part you said about Harris not being able to "articulate a straight thought to any logical conclusion "means the same thing to me as saying she is not very bright. I completely agree with your observation of her thinking ability, so am curious as to why you also say she "is intelligent." I don't live in CA and know just the basic facts about her jobs there, so if you have any thing to share about Harris that indicates intelligence I am open to hearing it.

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I'd also line to point out that her pivot to the center is entirely fake. You don't choose the leftist of all leftists as your running mate if you plan to govern from the center. She is 2020 Kamala. That's what makes her an unthinkable vote to smart or responsible Americans. Not her race or gender.

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Do you really think that no one is capable of changing their political views?

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Oh come on. She claims that her 'values' haven't changed. I believe her.

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Harris has certainly been targeted by sexist, sexual comments about Willy Brown's role in propelling her into professional success that she could not have achieved otherwise. Despite that, I agree with Mr. Baharaeen that racism and sexism are not very important factors to most American voters.

Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that Harris is not a very intelligent person. I thought there was some other reason why the Democrats were keeping her out of the public eye, both during her vice presidency and now. I now believe that she is simply incapable of formulating policies, incapable of explaining policies that others are formulating (if anyone is), and incapable of answering any significant question in a coherent manner. She is the worst possible example of a DEI hire, and people who say that, whether or not they are racists, are telling the truth.

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Hey LP: Every candidate (including Trump & Vance) has vulnerabilities, but I am far more worried about the extreme national vulnerabilities we have almost no ability to change - and thus will almost inevitably lead to Trump style American fascism. Examples: The Electoral College, totally uninhibited gerrymandering, unlimited amounts of campaign cash, widespread voter suppression, worsening economic inequality, an unwillingness to deal with the limits of American global power, 400+ million guns in private hands, a lack of universal healthcare, and a near total refusal to plan for a future - this century - with little to no fossil fuels.

Right now, close to half of American voters are ready to cast their ballots for a convicted felon, a lifelong grifter, a master media manipulator, an inveterate liar and a committed fascist. If these voters get what they want, the United States will be quickly turned into a kleptocratic Christian Nationalist theocracy. Anyone with means and a love for freedom and democracy will be looking to leave the country.

Note to those academic Liberal Patriots who write these articles [I'm talking to you, Ruy]: If you think you'll be safe in your ivory tower university under a Trump regime, you should take a really close look at Hungary, at Russia and even at Florida. Say anything other than praise about Trump and you'll find out just how fast you'll be out on the street or in some new American Gulag.

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