Speaking here as an independent and former democrat, I would only consider voting for Harris if she distanced herself from some Biden policies which I find abhorrent.

1. I strongly objected to Bidens management of the covid "pandemic" ( epidemic? endemic?). He mandated untested new mrna shots ( not vaccines) for millions of Americans, including pregnant women and young people. He said "You become a dead end for the virus when you get vaccinated." Incorrect, but never offically corrected.

If Kamala would acknowledge that mistakes were made in managing covid. If she would say something about doing things differently next time, no school closures, no vaccine mandates, I would vote for her. Could she be smart and honest enough to say that science is never settled, science benefits from debate, experts don't always agree and that's healthy?

2. I am disturbed by government sponsored censorship, and massive over reach regarding censoring "misinformation." See above. If only Kamala would support free speech and talk about how its foundational to a democracy - and particularly during times of crisis, war and emergency.

3. The Ukraine War makes no sense and is potentially apocalyptic. Will Kamala talk about ending this war. ? Maybe we need to also acknowledge here that mistakes were made. The war is not going well. We need to negotiate.

Funny thing how nobody in authority ever admits being wrong about anything. If Kamala would do that about some of those big issues above, I would change my view of her. She would no longer be just another lying politician, but an American with integrity and who wants to do better.

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"The good news for Harris is that polling shows independents care about the same issues as the broader electorate—namely, inflation and the economy—giving her a chance to make inroads with yet another vital constituency using a broadly appealing message."

What broadly appealing message is that?

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Excellent question!

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1. How do we trust anything she says or any moves she makes to the center? Just because she campaigns on something doesn't mean she'll govern that way. She has a terrible track record of switching her positions depending on what gains her the most powerful spot to move up. It's called opportunism. This is what they did with Biden and I am uncomfortable. Fool me once and all that jazz.

2. Her campaign page lists none of her policy positions. She hasn't given an interview or press conference. She's using a teleprompter. No one knows anything. Glenn Greenwald and Lee Fang did an interview and it looks like she's extremely pro-corporate.

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Her VP choice was a covid fascist. As governor, he issued a memorandum mandating indoor masking and set up a hotline to report residents who violated COVID-19 mandates. Walz refused to take the hotline down when asked to do so.

He also made MN a sanctuary for gender affirming surgery on minors (now banned in many European countries). He passed a law whereby children can be taken away from their parents if the parents refuse gender affirming "care" ( thats synthetic hormones and possibly surgery).

And there's more; but I will save it for another time. he is horrible

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It is in her best interests for the Democratic Party to not make up any policy positions for her, but instead let Dem voters use her as a blank screen onto whom they can project their fantasies of the ideal female president.

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As hard as the parties have made it to run as an independent for president, the only candidate I can support is Kennedy. He has a brain that works. He's a classical liberal. He can speak well (think well) which is a function of his full grasp of the content of which he speaks. He understands history, the present, and the future. I yearn for that kind of president. No matter how much smearing the press and the party do to suppress his existence, if he can get in on the next debate, people will elect him. They'll see him, hear him, and like him. If you haven't watched "The Real Debate" which uses technology to weave Kennedy in for his 2-minute responses at the July debate where he was excluded, please watch it. Of course, the parties don't want him on the stage with the others because he'll smoke them every which way and sideways. Here's a link to "The Real Debate" to get a sense of him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM

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