The call for center policies, sounds good, but as always, the devil is in the details. The bi partisan spending orgy of Covid, followed by green infrastructure, the mass expansion of federal employees, along with financing 2 proxy wars ,and the care of 10 million destitute migrants, has produced the worst inflation since Carter. American life is, literally, $1000, a month more expensive, than the day before Biden entered the WH.

We are producing record amounts of energy in this country, not because of Biden, but in spite of him. If Joe would open our spigots, we could produce another 1-3 million barrels a day. Prices would fall, hurting rouge regimes. Instead, Joe caters to the far Left, who, inexplicably, believe, at some point the sun will stop setting, and the wind will blow, perpetually.

Dems have embraced the far Left, as never before. Cheering people, who no longer bother to pretend to be Pro Palestinian, when they are really Pro Hamas, is hardly center behavior. Residents in Dearborn shouting "Death to America" were not lectured by Dems to stop it. They were rewarded, by the US withholding precision bombs from Israel. Tester, Brown and Casey have suddenly embraced the center, after voting like Squad members for the last 5 1/2 years, sans the hair covers and the lip gloss.

Finally, a 2nd Biden term is likely to be far more Left, than this one. Only prolonged, $6 or $7 a gallon gas, nationwide, will produce mass EV adoption, and Dems know it. Immediately after reelection, Biden will embargo Russian, Iranian and Venezuelan oil, while drowning US production in new regulation. Gas will soar, and the resulting inflation will wreck lower and middle earners permanently, but no one in DC will care. EV sales will be up.

Moreover, if 10 million, unvetted migrants were good, 20 million more, would be better. Finding Dems that demand the aforementioned, is not be the game plan for a 2nd Biden term, would be a great place to start.

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Such an elegant way of stating the obvious: govern according to the will of the people. Every survey contains this guide. Follow it.

The more that will is ignored, the more the voter understands (duh) that the governing elite don't care, will and do, lie, and that it's really all about their power, not the people's, which is despised as populism. So. They are despised, untrusted and rejected. All of them.

If these actors are surprised, it can only be because they haven't bothered to pay attention -- proof that they are all exactly as they are perceived. Again, duh.

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Nice idea but hopeless. The Progressive Left has all the money in the world behind it. I don't think they'll ever move a political inch.

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Whichever party does this for the long-term, not just until I vote like last time, will have my vote forever.

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