Ruy, why call deportation measures "draconian?" I am one of those many Independent voters fed up with Biden's own illegal behavior and flauting of the laws at the border. His abuse of parole and asylum is putting American citizens in danger. Safety is not a partisan issue, and neither should it be for a country to properly and thoroughly vet and decide who gets in and who does not. I read both of your recent books. You pretty much nail it on the causes of the liberalism implosion in the Democratic Party. Every nation must defend its people from cultural, political and social upheaval, crime, terrorism and the erosion of its native workforce's labor power from too much immigration. Over 7 million people entered this country illegally since 2021. And no, giving them "quasi-legal" status by simply changing optics to redirect them to ports of entry where we hand out work permits like candy IS NOT responsible immigration policy. It's executive branch overreach. Tyranny has been cleverly disguised as good ole Uncle Joe. Trump is a narcississt nightmare for sure. But calling sensible immigration enforcement "draconian" will only push angry voters that much closer to Trump. Is that what you want?

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And suppose Biden - and when I say Biden, I mean his administration because I question what he even understands these days - does get tougher on immigration enforcement? Is there anybody who doesn't get that once elected, his administration - or Mamala's - would simply drop the tough enforcement and revert to open borders and massive legalization? I would certainly hope not! This has been the pattern for the last several decades - certainly since the 1986 amnesty.

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Democracy, immigration or the welfare state. Pick any two. Voters understand that. The Biden administration picked a different two.

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