“Harris doesn’t need to lay out a manifesto, but she does need to turn her recent addresses in North Carolina and on the trail into a few memorable—and repeatable—policy propositions that voters associate with her campaign.”

No, sadly, she doesn’t need to do any such thing and she won’t. The lapdog media intend to carry her over the finish line and part of that will be to never, never ask her a hard question. Then, after November, if she wins, we’ll find out she’s still the same Kamala she was before the nomination. Surprise!

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Only fawning MSNBC media types were invited to the convention. Glen Greenwald, who has covered conventions for the past umpteen years, was denied entry. For an hysterical take, watch the nightly Matt Taibbi/Walter Kirn play-by-play (they were denied entry as well).

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This is who I watch. They are so on point and make me laugh 😃

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I'll save everyone time reading coverage of the Harris speech. "Brilliant" "Inspiring" "The New Eleanor Roosevelt"

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I'm having a problem with the fact that she seems to be speaking to the uneducated on purpose with permission from the party elites. She is selling a forced joy, a freedom "for" the government not "from" the government, and she's promising things (handouts, price controls, etc) that much of the public will buy and be excited about without understanding the money will need to be printed and will cause pain and hurt like the middle-class has never known. I'd like to hear her tell us how she plans to deal with divisive identity politics in government and how she plans to pay for all the things she's promising. Finally, I'd like to know where she actually stands on the wars we are currently managing. Will she stand by Israel? Does she have a plan for Ukraine? These are all important to me, whether I vote for her or not. I don't see it happening, but I'd like to hear the pitch.

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Based on what I have seen for the past three years, Democratic presidents are no longer the thought and policy leaders of their party, but function more like ceremonial figureheads. Harris might be perfect for that role.

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