It’s still not clear to me (a Democrat) exactly why the Biden administration decided that it was a good idea to open our borders to millions of unskilled, uneducated people. Allowing a relative small number of the well educated in each year is probability a good idea. This was one of the most disastrous policies the country has seen in my long lifetime and I hope that our representatives in the new Congress will grill those responsible to determine its origin. It undermined the wages of all workers and exacerbated our national housing crisis when we can’t house our own citizens. It was a major factor in the election of Donald Trump. It consumed billions of our tax dollars which could have been put to better use. I still don’t understand those who say that we should not deport the majority of these interlopers. They violated our laws and continue to violate them and they should be removed not rewarded by allowing them to stay. There’s no statute of limitations on this illegal behavior. No one believes that they have a right to move to Paris and live their life there without the permission of the French and no one would argue that the French have no right to kick their sorry asses out of that country. Why do the same rules not apply to the United States? They clearly do.
"It’s still not clear to me (a Democrat) exactly why the Biden administration decided that it was a good idea to open our borders to millions of unskilled, uneducated people."
That's one of several important questions. What I want to know is who played decisive roles in shaping Biden's disastrous immigration policy. One reason is so those responsible can be fenced out of Democratic policymaking in the future and so that Dems will exercise great caution with respect to any nonprofits with which they are affiliated.
lets not forget that it wasnt too long ago that republican pundits and politicians pushed the line that republicans had to soften their language on immigration and embrace amnesty and the DREAM act to make inroads with hispanics .... it was people like Mc Cain , rubio and romney who collaborated with democrats to push amnesty ..... it also was republicans that conned reagan into signing off on amnesty in 1984 just to dismantle most of the enforcement provisions afterwards and it was republicans who chose to sue sanctuary cities instead of using USC1324 to bring charges and who slow walked trumps agenda during his first term ........ So needless to say i trust trump but as far as congressional republicans concerns they have to earn their stripes first , we will see how they vote the next 2 years , the laken riley act is a good start and homan surely sounds good but lets see if he gets the support he needs from congress !
Regarding the unlikely to change part: unfortunately you’re right, at least in those places. Add Barbara Lee and Oakland, California to that list of places.
If they bring illegal aliens in and figure out some way to make them legal citizens then they will vote democrat. If they can't make them citizens then they will pile them into democrat controlled sanctuary cities giving them more congressional votes after they are counted in the next census. That's why.
You make a few good and valid points but there is more to this story than what meets the eye !
Actually you dont need amnesty or give them citizenship , every child born to illegal aliens is a US citizen by birth - period , so all you have to do is wait until the child eventually turns 18 and you have a instant voter right there , even better since the child is a citizen he can sponsor his parents for permanent residency a.k.a greencard so all you have to do is silently change the rules for a greencard a little and you are in business !
I believe part of the impetus for this move is that it is considered racist to close the border by some on the left. This is echoed by the immigration situation in Europe with respect to middle eastern people and also the sad travesty in the UK re: rape scandal.
People are so terrified of being called racist or perceived as racist, that they accommodate or excuse antisocial and/or illegal behavior from certain demographics.
At what point is this not a good enough answer for the policy:
They don't think they have any particular duty to their fellow citizens, despite being elected by them, over the rest of the people on Earth. They don't particular like a good portion of their fellow citizens and they like that this policy hurts them. Bonus, it makes the maid's wages lower.
The Biden administration decided to do that because it was part of the hugely misguided and destructive Regressive agenda, to which they had foolishly committed themselves lock, stock, and barrel.
He was so old that he was completely out of it. I think a lot of power was handed to unelected staffers because he just couldn't manage the workload. And he seemed to reserve most of his fights on foreign policy. There's a good Vox article on this, The President Who Couldn't Decide.
Democrats long tried to push through amnesty and the dream act amongst other things they came close a few times with the help of some republicans but then the tables turned.
So biden and democrats figured that they could blackmail republicans into supporting a "border security " bill that would give them everything they wanted in return for virtually nothing the republican base demanded by opening the floodgates. The whole thing of course backfired , first of governor abbot got crafty by loading up migrants bussing them to NY and other blue states and moving them to sanctuary cities , ron de santis soon joined the effort doing the same thing leading to sanctuary cities being overloaded with migrants sparking anger amongst voters
Hey Friend, you need to stop watching Fox News and start watching PBS News Hour.
Borders. Trump squashed a bipartisan immigration bill. Would you like to pick vegetables or clean homes? I thought so. BTW they also pay taxes to pay for your SNAP checks.
Crime is down and a small percent of immigrants commit crimes for fear of deportation.
Most come up the Americas on foot avoiding threats, and political persecution. Hard to get to France that way.
Housing. Do not blame immigration. There is no Federal agency responsible for controlling prices that rose 18% and 20% in two of Biden's 4 years.
Dopey Michael Kelley fails twice in one sentence with that immigration bill nonsense. That bill was bipartisan in name only. Only FOUR of 49 Republican Senators voted for the bill. Further, if you bothered to read the public detail of the bill, the Administration would only be forced to act on securing the border if CBP determined that illegals were crossing at a rate of 1.5 million people per year. Apparently, 1.4 million illegals in one year is just fine for the Far Left. Sticking with PBS for News is like sticking with Baskin-Robbins to lose weight.
This is the first common-sense step Democrats have taken in five years. Their problem remains, however, not congresscritters but big city mayors who are completely unrepentant.
Those mayors are in fact getting elected by the majority of people in those cities. We can certainly argue that the Soros, etc., cabal bought their mayoral seats, but that worked because the voters themselves were ignorant or deluded regarding what it takes to run a city effectively.
Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's resounding victory brought back bi partisan working together? The democrats need to abandon the crazy open border agenda. I just saw on twitter that California is going to give free healthcare to illegals. My guess is that most middle class people do not like this idea. Could California go red?
Evidently a recent poll showed 55% of Californians support the program which actually began in 2016 - and has gradually been phased in with significant requirements to qualify for the 100% Californian paid for program.
Many Dems, still, do not grasp, the magnitude of the problem. They worry about Dreamer deportation, as collateral damage from the bill, with little thought of American citizens, losing their lives to unvetted, new arrivals.
Perhaps it is a matter of geography. In Texas, on what appears to be a biweekly basis, if not more, American citizens are victims of serious migrant crime. Young girls are raped or worse. Car accidents, caused by unlicensed, uninsured, often drunk, migrant drivers, often claim the lives of Texans. A a few weeks before Christmas, a 7 year old running Christmas errands with her mother, was a recent victim. Imagine the pain of the that Mother on Christmas morning, and every morning thereafter, for the rest of her life. A week before Thanksgiving a 20 something Austin man, met his early demise, in the same manner . That Dems, still, repeatedly, refuse to acknowledge the entirely preventable carnage, may not, be forgivable, regardless of how they vote now.
Certainly most migrants are not criminals, but if 1% of the 10 million new arrivals are violent or untested drivers, Americans will endure 100K preventable acts of violence or accident. Statistically speaking, 400K serious crimes are more likely, since violent offenders average 4 victims before they are arrested, if ever.
Dreamers deported due to minor crime, can be addressed, on a case by case basis. Nothing will bring back Americans who have lost their lives, due to Dems, purposefully, flooding the US with 10 unvetted migrants, 90% of whom, they know, will never qualify for asylum.
Sad that all Democrat support was framed as voting for the bill in order to further their political careers. Is it possible that Democrats could vote for this bill because it was the right thing to do?
Years ago my fellow members of the left objected to the US being 'policeman of the world'--a role the US was uniquely qualified to play. More recently they decided we should be social worker of the world, opening the borders to innumerable uneducated, unskilled people from 'traditional societies' who did not share our values--and to give them a pass for public nuisance behavior, gross sexism, and other behaviors we wouldn't tolerate in educated, middle class Americans. How come? I lived in an urban immigrant neighborhood and know whereof I speak.
I lived there because I was poor. I don't live there now because I can afford not to. It's hardly surprising that people without the means to avoid contact with these people want the borders closed. They aren't eating dogs and cats. And, let's be honest, the issue isn't that they're taking American jobs, which they aren't. The issue is that we don't want to have contact with them because they're culturally alien and obnoxious.
It is OK to say that immigrants to the U.S. should strive to assimilate. It burns me that the first-generation South Asian who is currently in line to be the head of the FBI is named Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel.
I had the good fortune to be in Oslo for the country's National Day, May 17, a few years ago. It seemed like the entire population of that beautiful city turned out in their national costumes to promenade and watch the tremendously engaging children's march. That included black immigrant families from the Horn of Africa. I treasure my photo of a beaming little girl in her hijab holding a small Norwegian flag surrounded by her blond Nordic classmates in the parade. Mixed-race couples in their 40s were not at all uncommon. As I was walking home, a gorgeous young Iranian woman dressed to the nines descended from a taxi in her stylish high heels.
The only people who were not caught up in the spirit of the day were the middle aged men from Bulgaria or Albania, almost certainly undocumented, who sat around in groups on the periphery smoking and looking very out of place.
Don't understand the comment about Dreamers. Did the bill do something about them or did Democrats object to deporting the subset who commit crimes or was it hostage taking.
I live in the Third District in Minnesota which was recently represented by Dean Phillips, the only elected Democrat who had the courage to inform the public about Biden's dementia. The new Congresswoman - Kelly Morrison - voted against this bill. She won this suburban Minneapolis district by 17 points; the district is no longer close to being competitve. She poses as a moderate, but she will vote the left-wing party line, and the local political media serves as her cheerleader. She reflects what the vast majority of elected Democrats believe about immigration - no limits at all.
So, we have learned that many Democrats' voting patterns are based on whatever works to get them elected. Good. Let's stop voting for them until they stop voting for insane policies.
Thirty years ago it would have been the Democrats putting forward this bill and some Republicans joining. Democrats switched to supporting Reagan type neoliberalism which includes massive numbers of low wage immigrants.
What remains to be seen is how deportation goes. On the way out the door the Biden admin extended TPS to almost a million workers.
Guys like Cuellar can put lipstick on, but they'll always be hard left. As for the national Democrat strategists, this election proved again that they're simply clueless when it comes to Hispanic politics.
The dei equivalent in the gop is genetics which has some basis in logic as that was the system that defined almost all governments until THE USA booted they relatives of Princess Harry.
But the demcorat dei is always self destructive. It's ain't skin...I lived in downtown LA in the late 80s, no not Westwood or weho but downtown. It was Mayor Bradley, a giant man's man who was black smart and shrewed as s hit. Anybodybexpectntk see the lack airport named after bass? Maybe the fecal filters on terminal island. Maybe.
It's female dei that is the problem because as here, weak chicks always higher weaker chicks and the s hit just piles up.
Would we have been better had the white developer won as mayor? We don't know now but we will soon enough.
Is this the fault of a 750,000 as year barely articulate dei Hispanic water czarette? Maybe but I think we can all say that had this been a real man and not some gutless Newscum type, I'm sure they'd want to earn that salary by working and not pontificating about inclusion.
The Era of the dei women a d their weak male supporters ends Januaray 20 and the Era of the Hard begins.
Bumpy? Sure. So too is cancer surgery but ya gotta go under the knife to survive.
“An immigration bill this conservative”…yeah the idea that people who are here in violation of the law already, who then violate other laws, ought to be detained in someway is way out there, super right wing. Talk about your moved Overton window.
Now for H.R.28, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, vote at noon Tuesday. Will any Democrats go against Big Trans? My prediction is no, but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
It’s still not clear to me (a Democrat) exactly why the Biden administration decided that it was a good idea to open our borders to millions of unskilled, uneducated people. Allowing a relative small number of the well educated in each year is probability a good idea. This was one of the most disastrous policies the country has seen in my long lifetime and I hope that our representatives in the new Congress will grill those responsible to determine its origin. It undermined the wages of all workers and exacerbated our national housing crisis when we can’t house our own citizens. It was a major factor in the election of Donald Trump. It consumed billions of our tax dollars which could have been put to better use. I still don’t understand those who say that we should not deport the majority of these interlopers. They violated our laws and continue to violate them and they should be removed not rewarded by allowing them to stay. There’s no statute of limitations on this illegal behavior. No one believes that they have a right to move to Paris and live their life there without the permission of the French and no one would argue that the French have no right to kick their sorry asses out of that country. Why do the same rules not apply to the United States? They clearly do.
"It’s still not clear to me (a Democrat) exactly why the Biden administration decided that it was a good idea to open our borders to millions of unskilled, uneducated people."
That's one of several important questions. What I want to know is who played decisive roles in shaping Biden's disastrous immigration policy. One reason is so those responsible can be fenced out of Democratic policymaking in the future and so that Dems will exercise great caution with respect to any nonprofits with which they are affiliated.
Stop voting for these dipshits.
They aren't dumb people doing dumb things unwittingly. They are corrupt mid-wits with goals different than yours doing it on purpose.
lets not forget that it wasnt too long ago that republican pundits and politicians pushed the line that republicans had to soften their language on immigration and embrace amnesty and the DREAM act to make inroads with hispanics .... it was people like Mc Cain , rubio and romney who collaborated with democrats to push amnesty ..... it also was republicans that conned reagan into signing off on amnesty in 1984 just to dismantle most of the enforcement provisions afterwards and it was republicans who chose to sue sanctuary cities instead of using USC1324 to bring charges and who slow walked trumps agenda during his first term ........ So needless to say i trust trump but as far as congressional republicans concerns they have to earn their stripes first , we will see how they vote the next 2 years , the laken riley act is a good start and homan surely sounds good but lets see if he gets the support he needs from congress !
That's not likely. Nuts like AOC, Omar, Maxine Waters, and Tlaib get elected and reelected because they live in nutty districts. Not likely to change
Regarding the unlikely to change part: unfortunately you’re right, at least in those places. Add Barbara Lee and Oakland, California to that list of places.
If they bring illegal aliens in and figure out some way to make them legal citizens then they will vote democrat. If they can't make them citizens then they will pile them into democrat controlled sanctuary cities giving them more congressional votes after they are counted in the next census. That's why.
You make a few good and valid points but there is more to this story than what meets the eye !
Actually you dont need amnesty or give them citizenship , every child born to illegal aliens is a US citizen by birth - period , so all you have to do is wait until the child eventually turns 18 and you have a instant voter right there , even better since the child is a citizen he can sponsor his parents for permanent residency a.k.a greencard so all you have to do is silently change the rules for a greencard a little and you are in business !
aka and ergo the term "anchor babies".
Is any further explanation needed than Biden's determination to put an end to Trump's policies? With extreme prejudice?
I believe part of the impetus for this move is that it is considered racist to close the border by some on the left. This is echoed by the immigration situation in Europe with respect to middle eastern people and also the sad travesty in the UK re: rape scandal.
People are so terrified of being called racist or perceived as racist, that they accommodate or excuse antisocial and/or illegal behavior from certain demographics.
At what point is this not a good enough answer for the policy:
They don't think they have any particular duty to their fellow citizens, despite being elected by them, over the rest of the people on Earth. They don't particular like a good portion of their fellow citizens and they like that this policy hurts them. Bonus, it makes the maid's wages lower.
Have you forgotten how Democrats believed that all Latinos were forever going to vote Democrat.
They are now waking up to the fact that Latinos and Blacks are voting with their class not their skin color.
The Biden administration decided to do that because it was part of the hugely misguided and destructive Regressive agenda, to which they had foolishly committed themselves lock, stock, and barrel.
He was so old that he was completely out of it. I think a lot of power was handed to unelected staffers because he just couldn't manage the workload. And he seemed to reserve most of his fights on foreign policy. There's a good Vox article on this, The President Who Couldn't Decide.
It was a calculated move that backfired !
Democrats long tried to push through amnesty and the dream act amongst other things they came close a few times with the help of some republicans but then the tables turned.
So biden and democrats figured that they could blackmail republicans into supporting a "border security " bill that would give them everything they wanted in return for virtually nothing the republican base demanded by opening the floodgates. The whole thing of course backfired , first of governor abbot got crafty by loading up migrants bussing them to NY and other blue states and moving them to sanctuary cities , ron de santis soon joined the effort doing the same thing leading to sanctuary cities being overloaded with migrants sparking anger amongst voters
Because they thought those people would stay in Texas and no one else would care. When they got bussed to Blue cities all hell broke loose
Hey Friend, you need to stop watching Fox News and start watching PBS News Hour.
Borders. Trump squashed a bipartisan immigration bill. Would you like to pick vegetables or clean homes? I thought so. BTW they also pay taxes to pay for your SNAP checks.
Crime is down and a small percent of immigrants commit crimes for fear of deportation.
Most come up the Americas on foot avoiding threats, and political persecution. Hard to get to France that way.
Housing. Do not blame immigration. There is no Federal agency responsible for controlling prices that rose 18% and 20% in two of Biden's 4 years.
Dopey Michael Kelley fails twice in one sentence with that immigration bill nonsense. That bill was bipartisan in name only. Only FOUR of 49 Republican Senators voted for the bill. Further, if you bothered to read the public detail of the bill, the Administration would only be forced to act on securing the border if CBP determined that illegals were crossing at a rate of 1.5 million people per year. Apparently, 1.4 million illegals in one year is just fine for the Far Left. Sticking with PBS for News is like sticking with Baskin-Robbins to lose weight.
Trump was wrong to quash the border bill but Biden's EO restricting asylum should have been done wayyy sooner.
This is the first common-sense step Democrats have taken in five years. Their problem remains, however, not congresscritters but big city mayors who are completely unrepentant.
Those mayors are in fact getting elected by the majority of people in those cities. We can certainly argue that the Soros, etc., cabal bought their mayoral seats, but that worked because the voters themselves were ignorant or deluded regarding what it takes to run a city effectively.
Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's resounding victory brought back bi partisan working together? The democrats need to abandon the crazy open border agenda. I just saw on twitter that California is going to give free healthcare to illegals. My guess is that most middle class people do not like this idea. Could California go red?
Wouldn’t we love that.
Not until the CA GOP is a Trump carnival
Evidently a recent poll showed 55% of Californians support the program which actually began in 2016 - and has gradually been phased in with significant requirements to qualify for the 100% Californian paid for program.
Many Dems, still, do not grasp, the magnitude of the problem. They worry about Dreamer deportation, as collateral damage from the bill, with little thought of American citizens, losing their lives to unvetted, new arrivals.
Perhaps it is a matter of geography. In Texas, on what appears to be a biweekly basis, if not more, American citizens are victims of serious migrant crime. Young girls are raped or worse. Car accidents, caused by unlicensed, uninsured, often drunk, migrant drivers, often claim the lives of Texans. A a few weeks before Christmas, a 7 year old running Christmas errands with her mother, was a recent victim. Imagine the pain of the that Mother on Christmas morning, and every morning thereafter, for the rest of her life. A week before Thanksgiving a 20 something Austin man, met his early demise, in the same manner . That Dems, still, repeatedly, refuse to acknowledge the entirely preventable carnage, may not, be forgivable, regardless of how they vote now.
Certainly most migrants are not criminals, but if 1% of the 10 million new arrivals are violent or untested drivers, Americans will endure 100K preventable acts of violence or accident. Statistically speaking, 400K serious crimes are more likely, since violent offenders average 4 victims before they are arrested, if ever.
Dreamers deported due to minor crime, can be addressed, on a case by case basis. Nothing will bring back Americans who have lost their lives, due to Dems, purposefully, flooding the US with 10 unvetted migrants, 90% of whom, they know, will never qualify for asylum.
Sad that all Democrat support was framed as voting for the bill in order to further their political careers. Is it possible that Democrats could vote for this bill because it was the right thing to do?
Years ago my fellow members of the left objected to the US being 'policeman of the world'--a role the US was uniquely qualified to play. More recently they decided we should be social worker of the world, opening the borders to innumerable uneducated, unskilled people from 'traditional societies' who did not share our values--and to give them a pass for public nuisance behavior, gross sexism, and other behaviors we wouldn't tolerate in educated, middle class Americans. How come? I lived in an urban immigrant neighborhood and know whereof I speak.
I lived there because I was poor. I don't live there now because I can afford not to. It's hardly surprising that people without the means to avoid contact with these people want the borders closed. They aren't eating dogs and cats. And, let's be honest, the issue isn't that they're taking American jobs, which they aren't. The issue is that we don't want to have contact with them because they're culturally alien and obnoxious.
"It burns me that the first-generation South Asian who is currently in line to be the head of the FBI is named Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel."
I don't understand your comment?
It is OK to say that immigrants to the U.S. should strive to assimilate. It burns me that the first-generation South Asian who is currently in line to be the head of the FBI is named Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel.
I had the good fortune to be in Oslo for the country's National Day, May 17, a few years ago. It seemed like the entire population of that beautiful city turned out in their national costumes to promenade and watch the tremendously engaging children's march. That included black immigrant families from the Horn of Africa. I treasure my photo of a beaming little girl in her hijab holding a small Norwegian flag surrounded by her blond Nordic classmates in the parade. Mixed-race couples in their 40s were not at all uncommon. As I was walking home, a gorgeous young Iranian woman dressed to the nines descended from a taxi in her stylish high heels.
The only people who were not caught up in the spirit of the day were the middle aged men from Bulgaria or Albania, almost certainly undocumented, who sat around in groups on the periphery smoking and looking very out of place.
Don't understand the comment about Dreamers. Did the bill do something about them or did Democrats object to deporting the subset who commit crimes or was it hostage taking.
I live in the Third District in Minnesota which was recently represented by Dean Phillips, the only elected Democrat who had the courage to inform the public about Biden's dementia. The new Congresswoman - Kelly Morrison - voted against this bill. She won this suburban Minneapolis district by 17 points; the district is no longer close to being competitve. She poses as a moderate, but she will vote the left-wing party line, and the local political media serves as her cheerleader. She reflects what the vast majority of elected Democrats believe about immigration - no limits at all.
Them are democrats.
They didn't change.
The wind did.
They are so predictable.
And so weak.
So, we have learned that many Democrats' voting patterns are based on whatever works to get them elected. Good. Let's stop voting for them until they stop voting for insane policies.
Thirty years ago it would have been the Democrats putting forward this bill and some Republicans joining. Democrats switched to supporting Reagan type neoliberalism which includes massive numbers of low wage immigrants.
What remains to be seen is how deportation goes. On the way out the door the Biden admin extended TPS to almost a million workers.
Guys like Cuellar can put lipstick on, but they'll always be hard left. As for the national Democrat strategists, this election proved again that they're simply clueless when it comes to Hispanic politics.
As usual, Republicans work and Democrats brag.
The dei equivalent in the gop is genetics which has some basis in logic as that was the system that defined almost all governments until THE USA booted they relatives of Princess Harry.
But the demcorat dei is always self destructive. It's ain't skin...I lived in downtown LA in the late 80s, no not Westwood or weho but downtown. It was Mayor Bradley, a giant man's man who was black smart and shrewed as s hit. Anybodybexpectntk see the lack airport named after bass? Maybe the fecal filters on terminal island. Maybe.
It's female dei that is the problem because as here, weak chicks always higher weaker chicks and the s hit just piles up.
Would we have been better had the white developer won as mayor? We don't know now but we will soon enough.
Is this the fault of a 750,000 as year barely articulate dei Hispanic water czarette? Maybe but I think we can all say that had this been a real man and not some gutless Newscum type, I'm sure they'd want to earn that salary by working and not pontificating about inclusion.
The Era of the dei women a d their weak male supporters ends Januaray 20 and the Era of the Hard begins.
Bumpy? Sure. So too is cancer surgery but ya gotta go under the knife to survive.
“An immigration bill this conservative”…yeah the idea that people who are here in violation of the law already, who then violate other laws, ought to be detained in someway is way out there, super right wing. Talk about your moved Overton window.
You do know that Ross Barkan is a gross far-leftist member of the Free Palestine cult, right?
Now for H.R.28, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, vote at noon Tuesday. Will any Democrats go against Big Trans? My prediction is no, but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.